The Southern Africa Regional Representation office (SARRO) participates in the development of the National Societies and supports the resourcing of long-term projects, including the HIV and AIDS programme, which will be integrated into the Health and Care portfolio. The focus of the HIV and AIDS programme lies on preventing further HIV infections, expanding treatment, care, and support, reducing stigma and discrimination, and on institutional strengthening. Southern Africa carries a disproportionate burden (70 %) of the global HIV / AIDS pandemic. Tuberculosis, malaria and diarrhoeal diseases also count for a number of health problems. 4.3 million children have lost one or both parents to AIDS, there are 760 000 children infected with HIV, and 11.3 million people living with HIV. These on-going challenges demand increased humanitarian action, where the National Society plays a central role in addressing vulnerability at a community level. The role of the Regional Office has become increasingly important in supporting the National Societies in the Regional HIV and AIDS programme. International Federation Regional office Southern Africa, Zimbabwe Federation Country office, Zambia Red Cross Society, Zimbabwe Red Cross Society
The Regional Office will offer technical support, coordinate external relations in order to strengthen the quality of National Society (NS) programme interventions, promote good practices and share experiences across the region, mobilise resources at regional and country levels, build capacity for NS at national and branch levels through strengthening volunteer management systems and technical capacity. The NS support for orphans and vulnerable children will be strengthened with regards to education, materials, food, psychosocial support, and family and community resilience.
The Netherlands Red Cross will support two National Societies through the International Federation Regional office in Southern Africa. The Regional office will also receive direct funding to support implementation in the two countries and also to strengthen the Regional and the Zimbabwe Federation Country offices. The target groups for the National Societies’ interventions include commercial sex workers, prisoners, migrant populations, people in stable relationships, young people, and men who have sex with men.