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3FM Serious Request 2012: Reducing infant mortality in Chad, Mali and Mauretania

Land: Chad
Vooruitgang: Closed
Budget: € 1500000
Looptijd: 2012-12-31 - 2015-12-30


In the Islamic Republic of Mauritania and Chad, the programme seeks to eliminate new paediatric HIV infections and improve maternal and new-born health. In Mali, objectives are similar, being set to improving the health situations of women of child-bearing age and new-borns. Sub-Saharan Africa accounts for only 20% of the world’s births but 45% of under-five deaths. Maternal mortality is also high, along with incidences of HIV and malaria. The Sub-Saharan, Sahelian countries of Mail, Niger, the Islamic Republic of Mauritania, and Chad have particularly alarming mother and infant mortality rates. The project takes place in Mali, Chad, Niger, and the Islamic Republic of Mauritania.


In order to eliminate new paediatric HIV infections and improve the health situations of women and children, targeted actions such as training healthcare providers, workers, and Red Cross volunteers, purchasing equipment, HIV testing, and community-level awareness raising are carried out.


Beneficiaries are women, new-borns, and sexually active males.

Type ramp: Disaster prevention and preparedness Prevention / Mitigation
Donateur: The Netherlands Red Cross
Uitvoerende partners: French Red Cross

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