The purpose of the project is to reduce the number of neonates and infants dying of preventable diseases and pregnancy and birth related complications. Developing nations have high rates of pre- and neonatal birth death rates, Ethiopia among them. Most of these deaths are due to infectious diseases, others caused by poor maternal health, sexually-transmitted disease and infection, affecting rural populations with little access to quality healthcare. The country also has one of the world’s highest mortality rates for mothers, with 673 deaths per 100,000 live births, compared to 290 in developing and 14 in developed countries. The project will take place in Chiro district of the West Harrarghe zone, Siliti district of the Siliti zone, Ebnat district of South Gondar and Awebere District of the Jijjiga zone.
To care for the health of new born infants and mothers, the Red Cross will equip health facilities and providers with skills and knowledge, build the capacity of women child-bearing age, strengthen linkages between the community and the health delivery system, and foster behaviour change communication to develop capacities for self care.
The programme targets infants and mothers.