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3FM Serious Request 2012: Reducing infant mortality in Zambia

Land: Zambia
Vooruitgang: Closed
Budget: € 704807
Looptijd: 2012-12-31 - 2017-03-30


The goal of the project is to contribute towards the reduction of maternal, neonatal, and child mortality rates in Zambia, with particular focus on the rural Limulunga district, located in the Western province. The project centres on strengthening community participation in maternal, new-born and child health services, improving community knowledge of safe motherhood, and scaling-up the use of available reproductive health facilities and services by communities. Despite being one of Africa’s most peaceful and politically stable countries, and making significant progress on maternal, new-born, and child health over the past ten years in adopting related Millennium Development Goals, Zambia has some of the world’s highest maternal, neonatal, and child mortality rates. In particular, the rural Limluluga district has some of the highest maternal mortality rates in the country, high poverty levels, a lack of health facilities and qualified workers, high incidences of HIV, AIDS, and malaria and a host of other issues that contribute to these mortality rates. This is based in Zambia, with particular focus on the rural Limulunga district, located in its Western province.


The project reduces infant and maternal mortality through establishment of small maternal motherhood action groups and public awareness education, both of which foster community responses to mortality by discussing issues such as family planning, male roles in safe motherhood, and disease awareness and prevention. Care infrastructures will also be built to both establish gaps in the provision of maternal health services and increase access to maternal care in Limulunga district’s dispersed population setting. All work involves local health facilities and relevant governmental departments.


Women of child-bearing ages, including adolescents, and new-borns are direct beneficiaries of the project, while health workers, community leaders, and males will all benefit from the various educational opportunities presented.

Type ramp: Disaster prevention and preparedness Epidemic Prevention / Mitigation
Donateur: The Netherlands Red Cross
Uitvoerende partners: Zambia Red Cross Society

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