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3FM Serious Request 2014: Sexual violence against women and girls in conflict area’s

Vooruitgang: Implementation
Budget: € 11414484
Looptijd: 2014-08-31 - 2020-06-29


Feb 2020: € 150.000 to 3 FMSR 2019

The programme aims to prevent sexual violence against women and girls in conflict area’s and to support women and girls who are victims of conflict-related sexual violence to rebuild their lives. The Red Cross assists with shelter, medical care, psychological care and (financial) assistance to rebuild livelihoods. Furthermore, a lot of attention also goes to prevention activities, such as International Humanitarian Law sessions with weapon bearers.

Type ramp: Civil unrest and other situations of violence Disaster prevention and preparedness Emergency food aid Material relief assistance and services
Donateur: 3FM
Uitvoerende partners: Ghetto Radio, The Netherlands Red Cross

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