18/5-2020 HQ salaries budget can be decreased by €11.197 due to cancellation of PO position 2nd half of 2020 _> not yet done
April 2020: 96 K re-budgeted in program funds: 46 k extra to Philippines, 50k extra to oPt
25/11-2019 €300.000 extra to oPt
aug 2020: 60K balance from CAR rebudgeted to OPT
The programme aims to make young people who have to cope with conflict and that are part of ‘this next generation’ more resilient to the consequences of conflict. The Red Cross supports the development of young people in war and conflict by focussing on four different area’s: education and personal development, psychosocial support, food and income for families, and emergency assistance.
The programme will be implemented bilaterally in:
– Philippines
– South Sudan