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3FM Serious Request 2016: Pneumonia in Mali

Land: Mali
Vooruitgang: Implementation
Mensen bereikt: 71866
Budget: € 1163000
Looptijd: 2016-12-31 - 2020-05-30


Contribute to the reduction of acute respiratory infections (ARI) morbidity and mortality among under 5 children (boys and girls) in Koussané and the Logo Sabouciré districts of Kayes region by 2020 In Mali, the vulnerability towards acute respiratory infections (ARI) can be attributed to four main causes,
1. Unhealthy environment, i.e. densely populated local communities with insufficient infrastructure in terms of water and sanitation; furthermore, much dust in the air during the dry season.
2. New-born children’s sub-optimal start of life, which is often with a birth weight below 2.5 kilograms due to the mother being malnourished; this reduces the child’s immune system, especially if they stop exclusive breastfeeding early.
3. Poverty and lack of knowledge of the symptoms of ARI, which leads to a delayed or wrong treatment; furthermore, widespread poverty makes it impossible for the mother to take the sick child to the health facility, which is often located far away.
4. Weak capacity in the health care system, expressed both as lack of training of health personnel, which may lead to wrong diagnostic, and as inadequate management of drugs.
The project will be implemented in the two municipalities, Koussané and Logo Sabouciré in the Region of Kayes in the western part of Mali. The two municipalities have a total population of approx.


– Prevention activities among the vulnerable groups by practicing Behavioural Change Communication (BCC) in order to make them adopt better family health practices;
– Increase awareness among community volunteers and mother in recognising ARI symptoms and seek appropriate care (both at the household level or at health facility)
– Support the IMCI training to the health personnel to increase their capacity for childhood treatment at health facility level,
– Support to vulnerable households to improve their economic situation through income-generating activities.


45,000 persons, and 25 of the 46 villages will be targeted by the project.

Type ramp: Disaster prevention and preparedness Epidemic Prevention / Mitigation
Donateur: The Netherlands Red Cross
Uitvoerende partners: Mali Red Cross

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