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3FM Serious Request 2016: Pneumonia in Sudan

Land: Sudan
Vooruitgang: Implementation
Mensen bereikt: 3944
Budget: € 2020000
Looptijd: 2016-12-31 - 2021-02-27


The project aims at reducing mortality and morbidity rates of Acute Respiratory Infections (ARI) among children under 5 years of age within four localities in Kassala state by the end of 2019. There is still need to intervene in community health activities to reduce the rate of morbidity and mortality among under 5 within the target areas. The current MICS (Multi Cluster Indicator Survey) 2014 statistics (Infant mortality (Sudan 52.0 deaths, Kassala 62 deaths); Under 5 mortality (Sudan 68.4 deaths, Kassala 87 deaths) gives this picture against the country national target. As per the Sudan Government strategic plan 2012 – 2016 targets for Infant mortality are 43 deaths /1000 live births while Under 5 mortality are 58 deaths /1000 live births. In addition the burden of disease among under 5 in Sudan is Malaria 25% and Pneumonia 18%.
4 localities: Telkook, North Delta, Hamoshkorieb and Rural Aroma in Kassala state


The project targets under 5 as the main beneficiaries within 20 villages in four localities (Telkook, North Delta, Hamoshkorieb and Rural Aroma) in Kassala state. The interventions are mainly on IMCI (Integrated Management of Childhood Illness), support Government EPI (Expanded Programme on Immunization), supporting rehabilitation of health facilities infrastructure, and undertaking Water Sanitation and Hygiene Interventions. The project will also promote the use of improved cooking stoves in the reduction for indoor residual pollution.


Project communities in with a main focus on under 5

Type ramp: Disaster prevention and preparedness Epidemic Prevention / Mitigation
Donateur: The Netherlands Red Cross
Uitvoerende partners: The Sudanese Red Crescent Society

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