The project intends to support the provision of immediate life-saving support to populations that have been affected by the emergency situation in Burundi, such as shelter and NFI distributions, but also by strengthening the capacity of the NS to manage the response, including those being carried out by the NS in its own right or those in collaboration with partner organizations. Since April 2015, the political and security situation in Burundi has been tense with violence continuing in the capital of Bujumbura and some provinces. As of 8 March 2016, an estimated 249,078 people (UNCHR 2016) have fled from Burundi to neighbouring countries, while increasing numbers of people have been internally displaced within the country. Apart from civil unrest, the population is also being affected by multiple emergencies, the impact of which has been exacerbated by the political and security situation. These include the El Niño phenomena, internal displacement, food insecurity, and increased risk of infections and water borne diseases (E.g. cholera and malaria). Furthermore, the current situation with political instability and violence has also had implications on the economy, which is slowly collapsing. This project aims at reinfocement of BRCS and therefor applied to the whole of Burundi.
The project provides in immediate shelter and settlement needs of the population affected by the emergency situation in Burundi for a period of six months. Meanwhile project invests in capacity building of the Burundi Red Cross Society to respond to the emergency situation in Burundi and needs of the affected population is strengthened.
In total, at least 50,000 families (250,000 people) will be assisted as a result of the Complex EA. The partners relevant to this operation, e.g. WFP, IOM, UNFPA, UNICEF, they provide financial support cost for their specific agreement with the BRCS.