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Chad – Food Security Crisis

Vooruitgang: Closed
Budget: € 80000
Looptijd: 2017-08-10 - 2017-11-10


To provide food and preventive nutrition activities for 1,900 households and enable the affected population to survive and meet its immediate needs during the lean season (July to October). For many years, Chad has been grappling recurrently with food insecurity and nutrition problems. During the period of March to May 2017, about 13,102 people were in Emergency (phase 4). An estimated 367,218 people in four districts were in Crisis (phase 3), and among them, the poorest needed food, affordable basic commodities, rehabilitation and nutrition, health and other livelihood assistance and capacity-building for resilience;. Additionally, an estimated 1,886,800 people in 18 districts were in Stress (phase 2). These people need support to build resilience, develop their livelihoods and keep severe malnutrition at acceptably low levels.
This project takes place in Chad.


This project provides assistance through conducting continuous needs assessments, water, sanitation and hygiene activities, food assistance, and helping protect the livelihoods of communities.


This project will reach 12,350 people.

Type ramp: Drought Emergency food aid Material relief assistance and services Response
Donateur: The Netherlands Red Cross, Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken (BuZa)
Uitvoerende partners: International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

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