To reduce the risk of spread of cholera in Nakivale settlement, Isingiro through hygiene promotion. On the 07th of August 2019 a patient in Nakivale Settlement was admitted with diarrhoea for one day. On admission he was managed for Acute watery diarrhoea with severe dehydration. After a day of admission, the patient condition deteriorated and he died on 08 August. On 09 August several cases of acute watery diarrhoea were admitted at the facility which raised suspicion however there were no cholera rapid diagnostic test. With the raised index of suspicion, the team suspected cholera and took off Samples. 5 out of 15 samples were positive for V.Cholerae. Nakivale Settlement: Nyarugugu A, B and C, New Sangano, Base camp, Kigali and Misyera.
URCS will train and deploy Rapid Response Teams, who will coordinate with district health officials and CTC, to quickly respond to alerts through provision of immediate Household level responses in and around Households of cholera cases.
This project plans on targeting 7500 refugees (4500 female and 3000 male) who are most at risk of cholera in the most affected villages.