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Comores Plague Preparedness

Vooruitgang: Closed
Budget: € 30000
Looptijd: 2017-10-22 - 2018-01-22


The overall objective of the operation is to build the preparedness capacity of the Comores Red Cross to respond to the potential Plague outbreak.
Madagascar regularly experiences seasonal outbreaks of bubonic plague and the outbreaks normally extend from August to April each year. In 2017 however, the first cases of person-to-person to transmission via pneumonic plague have occurred. The first death of a patient infected with the plague was notified on 27 August. A total of 20 districts across Madagascar have reported cases of the plague and as of 12 October, a total 684 cases (suspected, probable and confirmed) including 57 deaths (CFR 8.3%) have been reported from 35 out of 114 districts. Of these, 474 were clinically classified as pneumonic plague. The occurrence of pneumonic transmission in urban areas increases the risk of substantial spread and high caseload significantly and requires urgent and comprehensive response to save lives.

The CRC seeks CHF 64,937 for preparedness on plague for community surveillance for 204,821 (25% of the caseload) people at risk through provision of training of volunteers on the plague, mass awareness and community engagement and accountability activities.
A total of 20 districts across Madagascar have reported cases of the plague


The overall objective will be achieved through:
• Strengthened coordination with local health partners and WHO;
• Continuous monitoring of the Plague response in Madagascar;
• Through IFRC and PIROI, CRCo will develop and roll out trainings for volunteers and staff of the NS;
• Through support from IFRC, the NS will procure and preposition materials for response.

Main outcome areas: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene; and Medical and First Aid


Number of people to be assisted: 204,821 (25% of the caseload)

Type ramp: Epidemic Multisector aid for basic social services Preparedness
Donateur: The Netherlands Red Cross, Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken (BuZa)
Uitvoerende partners: International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

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