On the night of 18 to 19 June 2018, stormy rainfall of unprecedented intensity fell on the Côte d’Ivoire capital, Abidjan and many other cities. Following this heavy downpour, several neighbourhoods in Abidjan and in country towns including Tiassalé, Toulepleu, Sanpedro registered significant material and human damage caused by ensuing floods and accompanying landslides in some high-risk areas. These landslides occurred in mainly illegal settlements and Government is taking steps to relocate residents. Water (flood water level elevated at 1.5m) has flooded the regularly built homes carrying all their resident goods and food stuffs.
Affected families have either relocated to host families or in transit sites like churches, schools, etc. While extreme weather continues, their current shelter solutions do not meet basic requirements, exposing children and most vulnerable people to the risks of respiratory and waterborne diseases. Six districts of Abidjan: Abobo, Adjamé Attécoubé, Cocody, Kumasi, Yopougon