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Emergency support to Syrian refugees and vulnerable host communities in Northern Lebanon

Land: Lebanon
Vooruitgang: Implementation
Budget: € 1525000
Looptijd: 2019-12-31 - 2022-03-30


Supporting Syrian refugees and vulnerable host communities in Akkar district in North Lebanon (2020-2021)
Lebanon hosts the highest number of refugees per capita in the world, causing major socio-economic challenges and further aggravating pre-existing development constraints in the country. With the crisis in its 9th year, tensions between Lebanese host communities and Syrian refugees are rising. As long as the situation in Syria remains unstable, little refugees choose to return, while in Lebanon they are facing enormous challenges to meet their basic survival needs, partly due to lack of international support .

The Vulnerability Assessment of Syrian Refugees in Lebanon (VASyR) 2018 , published beginning of this year by UNHCR, UNICEF and UNWFP, provides the following figures:
– 51% of Syrian refugees have expenditures totaling less than the Survival Minimum Expenditure Basket (SMEB) of US$ 2.90 per person per day, unable to meet survival needs of food, health and shelter;
– 69% of total refugee households are living below the poverty line;
– 34% are severely food insecure.

Faced with these living conditions and Lebanon’s weak infrastructure and public services, the chances of vulnerable Syrian refugee and Lebanese host communities meeting their social, economic and medical needs continue to diminish. People are pushed to incorporate negative coping mechanisms in order to provide basic needs for their families (like reducing adult food intake in order to provide more food for children, child marriage, selling in-kind assistance in order to pay health care services).

Akkar region, northern Lebanon


Overall Operational objective:
To provide Syrian refugees and vulnerable host communities in Akkar with access to life-saving emergency medical services, and support Syrian refugee households in Akkar with strengthening their livelihoods through the provision of basic assistance in the form of cash and food, and access to renewable energy.

In this protracted crisis situation, this project aims to support the Lebanese Red Cross with three key interventions:
1. Building on the outcomes of the CTP feasibility assessment that is being done under the current Chronic crisis project, we will continue to ensure that vulnerable refugee households in Akkar are able to meet their basic needs through the provision of both food and cash based assistance;
2. In order to ensure that Syrian refugees and host communities in Akkar have access to pre-hospital emergency medical care, we will support LRCS in running one EMS station (Wadi Khaled) and one Blood Transfusion Services center (Halba);
3. To increase the self-reliance of Syrian refugee families, we will provide them with compact renewable energy solutions and will also implement these solutions in LRCS’s main operational premises in Akkar, increasing the sustainability of LRCS’s life-saving services.


Lebanese Red Cross and Netherlands Red Cross

Type ramp: Civil unrest and other situations of violence Material relief assistance and services Response
Donateur: The Netherlands Red Cross, Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken (BuZa)
Uitvoerende partners: Lebanese Red Cross

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