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Enhancing Resilience in Malawi

Vooruitgang: Implementation
Budget: € 43000
Looptijd: 2017-06-30 - 2019-12-30


The objective of the ECHO 2 project is to strengthen Malawian authorities’, local communities’ and Disaster Management stakeholders’ capacities to cope with and respond to natural disasters. 241.265 beneficiaries within Zomba, Chikwawa and Nsanje will see their own preparedness and response capacities increased while being supported by well-coordinated Malawi Red Cross Society (MRCS) and governmental response structures.

The in-kind contribution for this project is for 510 activities that covers staff cost, mapathon and travel cost

Type ramp: Preparedness
Donateur: The Netherlands Red Cross
Uitvoerende partners: Malawi Red Cross Society

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