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Ethiopia – Floods

Vooruitgang: Closed
Budget: € 65000
Looptijd: 2016-05-17 - 2016-10-15


Immediate provision of lifesaving emergency shelter and NFI kits in support to flood affected communities in SNNPR Region and West Hararghe and Arsi in Oromia Region over 3 months.
From the first week of April heavy rainfalls have occurred in Eastern and Southern parts of Ethiopia related to the El Niño phenomenon and the regular Belg rains (March – May). The first reports of flash floods and subsequent displacements of communities, especially in Somali region, was reported and responded to from 7 April onwards. Since then, these rains have intensified and spread with the most recent flash floods reported on 4 May in Oromia Region. An estimated 485,610 people have been affected, including 189,668 people being displaced as a result of the flooding according to International Organisation of Migration. This equates to 19,557 households, comprised as follows: Afar (671 HH), Amhara (420 HH), Harari (287 HH), Oromia (5,322 HH), Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Region (SNNPR) (2,972 HH) and Somali (9,885 HH)1. In addition, the Ethiopian Red Cross Branch offices are reporting more than eight fatalities and significant loss of livestock and agricultural outputs. West Hararghe (Hawi Gudina) and Arsi (Gololcha, Chole, Seru) woredas in the Oromia Region.


NFI, Shelter


2,000 households (12,000 individuals)

Type ramp: Material relief assistance and services Response
Donateur: The Netherlands Red Cross
Uitvoerende partners: International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

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