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Flood and Landslides in Sierra Leone

Vooruitgang: Finalisation
Budget: € 31823
Looptijd: 2017-08-17 - 2019-12-30


A deadly torrential rain caused mudslides in Sierra Leone on 14 August, resulting in heavy destruction and numerous fatalities in hillside towns of Freetown. The most severe mudslides occurred in the eastern part of Racecourse, in the outskirts of Regent and Lumley area of the Sierra Leone capital. Further rain is expected in coming days and more areas are likely to be affected. According to the Sierra Leone Red Cross over 300 people have been killed, many trapped by rubble and collapsed structures. More than 100 people have been injured.
The operation will deliver emergency and recovery services to assist 4,800 people and to improve the condition of shelter, water sanitation and hygiene, health care and reduce the future risk of disaster of the affected people.

Type ramp: Flood Landslide Material relief assistance and services
Uitvoerende partners: The Netherlands Red Cross

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