The intervention will target 2.000 household which is the equivalent of approximatively 10,000 direct beneficiaries. We are aiming for 500 households per province. For the provinces of Bubanza and Bujumbura Rural, beneficiaries will be selected according to the list of beneficiaries of a food distribution by the WFT in February 2017. Households who have been selected on vulnerability criteria of the WTF will receive assistance of the BRCS. For the provinces of Cibitoke and Rumonge, the food security assessment conducted by the BRCS with support of the NLRC will allow us to select the most vulnerable hill units. Within the selected hill units, the following criteria will be used to select beneficiaries; households who have lost the last season’s crops and households who have land in the wetland basins. With a history of prolonged conflict, political instability and natural and man-made disasters, chronic and acute food insecurity and malnutrition have been worsening over the years. The Burundi Integrated Context Analysis conducted in 2014 concluded that most provinces are affected by the long-term concurrent occurrence of shocks, chronic food insecurity, poverty and chronic malnutrition. The average national stunting prevalence is as high as 49.6 percent, and most provinces in the north and east of the country have even higher rates ranging between 50 and 60 percent. At the same time, acute food insecurity and acute malnutrition continue to worsen – the situation has deteriorated dramatically in the last year with the latest Food Security and Monitoring Survey from December 2016 showing nearly 3 million people food insecure, up from 31% in December 2015 and 28% in August 2016. The intervention will take place in 4 of the 18 provinces of Burundi. The four selected provinces are Cibitoke, Rumonge, Bubanza and Bujumbura Rurale, covering mostly the western provinces.
• Certified seeds distribution, certified by the Office National de Certification des Semences (ONCS),
• Distribution of small agricultural material,
• Composting training to BRCS volunteers who will monitor the beneficiaries,
• Technical monitoring by the Direction Provinciale de l’Agriculture et de l’Élevage (D.P.A.E),
The intervention will target 2.000 household which is the equivalent of approximately 10,000 direct beneficiaries. We are aiming for 500 households per province.