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Global disaster response tools for the Red Cross

Vooruitgang: Closed
Budget: € 817369
Looptijd: 2012-07-31 - 2016-07-30


The Netherlands aids disaster reponse preparation of Red Cross/Red Crescent national societies in Chad, Columbia, Lebanon, South Sudan, and Uganda, focusing on strengethening national response capacity and linking it to reginal and global capacity. The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) also works with Red Cross/Red Crescent and Netherlands Red Cross in these five countries to strengthen national response capacity and reduce the impact of disasters. The programme was developed on the basis of a context analysis at federation level and at countrly level in the five above-listed countries. Countries around the world are prone to both disaster and humanitarian conflict, and the response preparedness capabilities of their Red Cross/Red Crescent national societies lack the capacity to adequately assist in responding to emergencies. The international reponse preparedness programme is implemented in Chad, Columbia, Lebanon, South Sudan, and Uganda.


The programme provides training, equipment, carries out simulation exercises, creates infrastructure, and focusus on recuriting staff and developing disaster contingency plans. Additionally, the programme seeks to develop non-conventional solutions for operations in disaster response by investing in innovating solutions to sanitation and issues created by complex urban disaster settings, developing context-specific family shelters and other means to aid disaster-stricken locals.


This programme seeks to provide support to Red Cross staff to help those affected by disaster.

Type ramp: Multisector aid for basic social services Preparedness
Donateur: The Netherlands Red Cross
Uitvoerende partners: International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

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