The project aims to contribute to the reduction of morbidity and mortality of children under the age of five and women in childbearing age, as well as in vulnerable communities, and to confine the prevalence of HIV to less than 2% and mitigate its impact. Furthermore, the community resilience of target families will be improved. Due to the prolonged years of conflicts in Sudan, and destroyed infrastructure, the health service system is either poorly managed or non-existent. Fear of people living with HIV/ AIDS (PLHIV) is still widespread, and communities react by isolating and discriminating against PLHIV and their children. Fear of having HIV/AIDS is a powerful deterrent for people to seek voluntary testing, counselling, and not disclosing HIV+ status to family members/friends. Such fear and isolation has led to a silent epidemic, which undermines HIV/AIDS prevention and care, and enhances stigmatisation of PLHIV. The project is implemented in Sudan: Kassala, Gezira, West Darfur, South Darfur and Khartoum states. Sudan is known to suffer from recurrent natural disasters including floods, drought, famine as well as epidemics consisting mainly of water borne diseases and meningitis. The recurrent disasters lead to displacement, vulnerability and poverty that lead to increased morbidity and mortality rates. During the rainy season the target areas can be inaccessible due to bad road conditions.
The following strategies will be implemented: Community sensitisation and mobilisation to create HIV/AIDS awareness and to reduce stigma for people living with HIV, advocacy for HIV/AIDS preventive methods, condom promotion and distribution, support to Voluntary Counselling and Testing centers, support to people living with HIV, and to victims of sexual and gender based violence, support (educational, economical, integrating) to orphans and other vulnerable children, training and capacity building of the Ministry of Health and the Sudanese Red Crescent project staff.
The main partners in the programme are The Sudanese Red Crescent Society and (SRCS) the Ministry of Health. The Netherlands Red Cross facilitates the funding procedure, and strengthens the national project staff and volunteer capacity in addition to monitoring and supervising the project throughout, and after, the implementation period. The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) supports SRCS in adaptation of HIV/AIDS policy in the workplace in the target states. The project intends to reach 159 460 people (orphans, people living with HIV and general population in the target areas).