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Insurgency in Lake Chad basin in Niger

Land: Niger
Vooruitgang: Closed
Budget: € 338000
Looptijd: 2015-09-30 - 2016-12-30


This project assists 50,000 beneficiaries with emergency health, water, sanitation and hygiene promotion, and food security, nutrition and livelihoods support in Lake Chad basin in Niger. This is a revision of an existing operation in this area. This revision is largely due to the deterioration of the security situation in Diffa region and a resulting lack of access preventing the planned implementation resulting in some activities unachieved. This revision will enable the NRCS to address the initial and new unmet needs according to the current security situation in the new zone of intervention in Diffa and prioritizing the following sectors: health and care, water, sanitation, and hygiene promotion, food security, nutrition, and livelihoods, shelter and household items, and National Society capacity building. All activities concentrate on the Baroua and Gagamari zones.


Community volunteers have been trained and provided with materials and tools to facilitate community sensitization. Weekly mobile clinics have been organized in the islands to assist those who cannot access the health centres. Responding to the influx from Damassak to the Gagamari transitional camp, emergency support was provided in the form of water, hygiene and sanitation. Through the existing Niger Red Cross cooperation agreement with UNFPA, 1,096 hygiene kits were distributed to 1,096 households after sensitising them on health reproductive.


Sensitization sessions reached 5,558 people from the islands. Between November 2014 and end January 2015, 6 mobile clinics have been organized and 5,630 persons were provided with medical treatment. According to the Red Cross Diffa branch, 16,000 people located in Gagamari transit camp and Chetimari host villages benefited from awareness and sanitation activities. Overall, 21,558 people from the islands and Gamamari transit camp have been sensitized. These activities took place until 6 February when Diffa was attacked and the population fled to secured areas. For food assistance, from October 2014, the National Society distributed food rations on a monthly basis to some 25,000 people.

Type ramp: Armed conflict Response
Donateur: The Netherlands Red Cross
Uitvoerende partners: International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

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