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Integrated Health and WASH assistance for South Sudanese refugees and host communities in Arua

Vooruitgang: Implementation
Budget: € 1473000
Looptijd: 2020-03-31 - 2022-06-29


To provide lifesaving services to a total of 40,000 people i.e. 28,000 refugees in Rhino settlement and 12,000 host communities in KamKam and including children, girls , boys , women, elderly and persons with disabilities, for a period of 2 years. The proposed strategy will focus on:
1. Integrated WASH & Health activities
2. National Society Capacity building
The refugee population in Rhino Settlement is projected to increase through to 2020 due to ongoing political crisis, insecurity and declining economy in South Sudan. Between 2018/12 to 2019/8, there were 13,944 new registrations and births (see figure 1) i.e. approximately 1,500 new registrations per month. Based on this figure, 117,221 refugees are projected in Rhino settlement by end of 2020 and 135,221 by end 2021 (i.e. 22% overall increase between Aug 2019 to Dec 2021).
The level of funding to humanitarian actors for the refugee response in Rhino settlement has reached an all-time low this year, while at the same time the number of refugees per 1,000 inhabitants tripled to 35 since 2016, putting a huge strain on local resources and services. External aid to various humanitarian actors has been cut and is projected to progressively dwindle over the coming years. This severe underfunding has particularly compromised the quality of service delivery in education services, health services, WASH, child protection and limited investment in prevention and response to sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV), environmental protection, support for host communities and permanent community infrastructure. Rhino settlement and KamKam in Arua district, Uganda


The proposed project will deliver an integrated Public Health and WASH package linking the community based health and first aid approach (CBHFA) with participatory hygiene and sanitation transformation (PHAST) methodology. Furthermore, the project will incorporate new initiatives e.g. using Cash voucher assistance as a tool for delivering menstrual hygiene management items as well as build new partnerships for synergy and sustainability for example URCS collaboration with Reproductive health Uganda (RHU) on Sexual Reproductive Health and collaboration with Icelandic RC in delivering PSS.


The total project will target 40,000 direct beneficiaries, with special attention provided to recently settled refugees. The proposed target beneficiaries are informed by Refugee and Host Population Empowerment framework (ReHoPE) which calls for partners to support in building resilient communities through the “30-70 principle” i.e. 30 percent of all refugee interventions should target host-community needs.

Type ramp: Armed conflict Material relief assistance and services Response
Donateur: The Netherlands Red Cross, Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken (BuZa)
Uitvoerende partners: Uganda Red Cross Society

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