To meet immediate urgent needs of 114,620 drought-affected persons in five priority counties namely; Garissa, Tana River, Kwale, Kilifi, and Makueni counties, by improving their health, WASH, nutrition and food security conditions. March – May 2016: During the seasonal rains, heavy flooding of River Tana washes away crops and delays planting amongst the communities living along the river in Garissa and Tana River, resulting in reduced household level food security and dietary intake. During the same period, parts of arid and semi-arid (ASAL) counties starts experiencing some level of drought stress due to poor performance of the long rainy season.
June 2016: The Government early warning system starts signalling drought stress in some counties of the coastal region.
September 2016: The early warning information indicates most drought affected counties as Kilifi, Kwale, Tana River and Taita Taveta. Other affected counties are Wajir, Mandera, Marsabit, Makueni, Kitui and Samburu. The drought and food security situation in these counties ranges from moderate to severe 1.
November 2016: IFRC launches an Emergency Appeal for 3,844,037 Swiss francs on the request made by KRCS with 297,808 Swiss francs allocated from the IFRC’s Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF).
Garissa, Tana River, Kwale, Kilifi, and Makueni counties
Health; Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Promotion(WASH); Livelihoods, Nutrition and Food Security; and Disaster Risk Reduction
In total, the operation aims to target an initial 114,620 affected persons with 27,680 persons in Garissa, 11,025 people in Tana River, 34,490 people in Makueni, 28, 965 people in Kilifi and 12, 460 people in Kwale. KRCS will ensure that the target population will be households with severely or moderately acute malnourished children, elderly, chronically ill persons, children, female single-headed families and persons living with disabiliti