The overall objective of the operation is to contribute to the reduction in mortality and morbidity due to theplague in 22 priority regions through effective prevention and response activates for both bubonic and pneumonic forms of transmission to support some 2 million people affected or at risk. Outbreaks of pneumonic plague are very rare and require specific expertise to ensure adequate response. Limited knowledge of the pneumonic plague within the community is fuelling rumours, fear and panic and this has the potential to limit the impact of social mobilization activities and the access of MRCS and local authorities to respond if community engagement is not managed effectively. Madagascar
As mentioned above, the MRCS is working on a plan to scale the response according to the levels of plague cases and risk. Initial districts will receive support according to the six pillars of the response to respond to the outbreak of the plague and to arrest the spread. In the other districts, the focus will be more on information and sensitization to ensure communities are informed of the risks and take appropriate actions and make behavioural change to prevent the spread of the disease.
IFRC and Madagascar National Society