This Emergency Appeal supports the Mozambique Red Cross Society (CVM) to reach 14,767 people (2,954 households). It aims to provide assistance over the next nine months with a focus on interventions on the sectors of food security (carried out through cash distributions) and livelihoods. Drought conditions intensified in early and mid-February 2016 in much of the south and parts of central Mozambique. The low rainfall in these areas, combined with high temperatures, led to low water availability and wilting of crops. This has resulted in further reductions in expected production, which had already been impacted by moisture stress and wilting earlier in the season. Following this dry spell, heavy rains set in across most parts of the country in late February and early March. However, these rains were generally too late to benefit crops in the affected areas due to the negative impact of the previous dry conditions. The Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security estimates nearly 879,000 hectares of mixed crops have been lost, with 3,000 hectares from excessive rains and the rest due to drought. The projects aims at 6 districts: Magude and Manhiça in Maputo province, Massingir and Chibuto in Gaza province and Funhaloro and Panda in Inhambane province.
This operation will provide immediate food support through a voucher programme, combining with supplementary feeding (CSB) for lactating and pregnant woman and children. The CVM’s response strategy is in line with Government’s Food Security strategy, and plays a complementary role to the government. The CVM will adopt 3 components of intervention: Food support through cash transfer programme, supplementary feeding (CSB) to pregnant and lactating woman and children from 6 to 59 months and distribution of seeds and fertilisers to the affected households.
Within the 14,767 people to be assisted, priority goes to the most affected and most vulnerable for both food availability but also ability to recover, and will specifically target chronically ill persons, persons with disabilities, child headed households, female headed households, the ultra-poor. In additional to these a supplementary feeding (CSB) will be provided to lactating and pregnant women and children from 6 to 59 months.