Extreme weather conditions have hit the West Bank and Gaza Strip starting on Saturday 18/1/2020 including heavy rain floods, winds, and low-temperature cold wave. The heavy rain generated floods in several part of Palestine and thousands of people were affected with many families being evacuated from their homes.
The weather events have deeply affected local communities, particularly in the Gaza Strip where thousands of people already remain displaced and live in semi-structured or transitional shelters or tents due to loss of their homes during the recent escalation in hostilities. For the first time in the Gaza Strip, the temperature approached zero at night at a time where it is not possible to operate the heating systems due to electricity cuts. Furthermore, gas stations in the Gaza Strip had insufficient fuel to provide to people to operate their own generators. Additionally, vendors providing cooking gas had insufficient stock. the West Bank and Gaza
The population in West Bank and Gaza Strip will receive support to cope with the effects of the cold wave through the provision of household items and emergency shelter.