The project aims to reduce the impact of natural hazards on vulnerable community members. It increases the resilience of communities to disasters, climate change and environmental degradation. The project also increases the capacity of civil society organisations (CSO’s) to cope with these natural hazards. Indonesia is the world’s fourth most populous nation, and though they have made significant advances in reducing poverty, the number of poor in Indonesia remains high: more than 35 million people live below the national poverty line. High disaster risks such as floods and landslides further aggravate the poverty levels in the country as the rural poor suffer most and longest from these climate hazards. Regrettably, increased variability of percipitation is expected in the future due to climate change. The programme targets 48 communities in Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) and Banten provinces. In NTT province, the districts are, Ende, Sikka, Kupang and Timor Tengah Selatan (TTS). In Banten province the municipalities are, Kota Serang and Kota Cilegon, as well as in Kabupaten Serang and Kabupaten Tangerang districts.
During the course of the project the comminities and civil soceity organizations are taught and made more aware about Disaster Risk Reduction, Climate Change Adaption and Ecosystem Management and Restoration. In the communities the people are also taught building skills and ways to create partnerships between them and the government.
The project will target the populations of 48 communities. The livelihoods of these communities are vulnerable to natural hazards, climate risks and environmental degradation. They are mainly fishermen and poor rural farmers who depend on environmentally sensitive areas. The implementing partner of this project is the Indonesian Red Cross, Wetlands International Indonesia and other civil soceity organizations. The project is organized by the ‘Partners For Resilience’, which The Netherlands Red Cross is a member of.