The project aims to reduce the impact of natural hazards on vulnerable community members. It increases the resilience of communities to disasters, climate change and environmental degradation. The project also increases the capacity of civil society organisations (CSO’s) to cope with these natural hazards. Nicaragua is classified as a low- income country and regrettably, the geographic position of Nicarague makes it highly vulnerable to recurring disasters. The targeted region of the project is near the coastline, where communities are settled near to the rivers which are indespensible for their economic survival. This area is one of the most hurricane affected regions in the world. Five to fifteen hurricanes occur every year and each time the economic and human losses are substantial. The selected geographical area is the river basin Coco, which includes the most drought prone areas, and the autonomous region of the North Atlantic. Specific Places are, Madriz, Nueva Segovia, Jinotega, Waspan, Esteli, Chinandega, RAAN. (Or Cuenca Rio Coco, Cuenca Pacifica, Cuenca Rio Wawa)
The project strengthens the livelihoods of the beneficiaty communities so that they are more resilient to the effects of disaster magnified by climate change. The capacities of local organizations are also strengthened to develop initiatives to reduce the natural risks, support climate change adaptation and protection of ecosystems. Finally the institutional and policy environment will be targeted to make conducive strategies for adressing the natural hazards.
The target communities live in the most drought prone areas. There will be special emphasis on women and youth. About 90% of the families live in the rural areas cultivating various staples, about 73% of whom live in poverty or extreme poverty. The implementing partners are the government and local NGO’s and is organized by the ‘Partners For Resilience’, which The Netherlands Red Cross is a member of.