This Emergency Appeal seeks a total of CHF 1,850,000 on a preliminary basis to enable the IFRC to support the
Philippine Red Cross (PRC) to deliver assistance and support to some 35,500 people for 14 months, with a focus on
shelter, livelihoods, health, water, sanitation and hygiene, protection, gender and inclusion, migration and disaster
preparedness, through strengthening the National Society, ensuring effective international disaster management,
influencing others as a leading strategic partner, and ensuring an effective IFRC. The Appeal budget also includes CHF
32,200 to support the IFRC’s role as convenor of the shelter cluster coordination. The planned response reflects the
current situation and information available at this time of the evolving operation and will be adjusted based on further
developments and more detailed assessments.
Shelter. Livelihoods and Basic needs, Health, WASH and PG&I
35,500 people