Overall Operational objective:
1. This DREF allocation aims to assist 3,000 families (15,000 people) affected by Mayon Volcano and displaced to evacuation centres to meet their basic needs.
2. PRC will lead the response and this DREF directly contributes to the overall PRC plan of action.
3. The geographical coverage, by municipality or barangay, will be provided later based on assessment recommendations and as more information becomes available.
4. The operation will be implemented over three months and will be completed by 20 April 2018. -13 January 2018, 17H00: Mayon Volcano generated a phreatic eruption, generating steam and ash approximately 2,500-meter high.
-14 January, 00H30: As more phreatic eruptions occurred, the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHILVOLCS) raises Mayon from alert level I (abnormal) to alert level II (increasing unrest).
-14 January, 11H40: Mayon’s crater is exhibiting signs of a new lava dome and beginnings of lava flow towards the southern slopes. PHILVOLCS raises the alert to level III (high unrest), signifying an increased tendency towards hazardous eruption, that magma is at the crater and that hazardous eruption is possible within weeks or even days. With the level III alert raised, PHILVOLCS recommends a 6-km permanent danger zone and a 7-km extended danger zone be enforced – prohibiting all unauthorized human activities within the extended radius – due to danger of rockfalls, landslides and sudden explosions or dome collapse that may generate hazardous volcanic flows.
-15 January: Two lava collapse events occur, producing rockfall and small-volume pyroclastic density currents. Ash clouds were produced with ashfalls reported in 39 barangays in the municipalities of Camalig and Guinobatan, southwest of the volcano.
-16 January: Lava flow and more rockfall events were observed. It is reported that more than 3,000 tons of sulfur dioxide was emitted by Mayon on this day – six times the normal daily emission. The provincial board declared Albay under state of calamity – allowing local governments to use their calamity funds for relief operation. Mayon Volcano is in Albay province in the Bicol region, around 300 km southeast of the Philippine capital, Manila.
Shelter and household items, Livelihood and basic needs, health
Shelter: The overall target in the 5 evacuation centers is 3,000 families. PRC will provide 2,500 sets of NFI’s from bi lateral support, the DREF will support the gap of 500 NFI sets. 500 households (2,500 people) will be provided with non-food items – sleeping mats, blankets. 250 number of tarpaulins will be provided to support the evacuation centres for partitions, extension, cooking areas, etc. Five evacuation centres (temporary housing up to 15,000 people) will be supported with camp management.
Livelihoods and basic needs: 3,000 households will receive the unrestricted cash grants. This targets all families who remain in the evacuation centers for a protracted period of time.
Health: The awareness generation and personal protective equipment will reach out to all affected people across the targeted communities, approximately 15,000 people in 5 evacuation centers. A subset of this population will also receive medical attention (estimated at 500 people) and PSS services on demand. A total of 200 pregnant and lactating women will be provided with nutrition information and additional provisions so that they or their newborn receive their nutritional requirements.
WASH: The overall target in the 5 evacuation centers is 3,000 families. PRC will provide 2,500 sets of NFI’s from bi lateral support, the DREF will support the gap of 500 NFI sets. 500 families in 5 evacuation centres are targeted with jerry cans and hygiene kits. 3,000 families will also be reached with hygiene promotion activities and access to clean and safe potable drinking water. 5 evacuation centers will be supported with temporary latrines from other bilateral support.
Protection, gender and inclusion: All five evacuation centres will be targeted with PGI support. This will include child friendly spaces for about 4,950 children. Single women and adolescent girls (estimated at 500) and the pregnant and lactating women (estimated at 200) will be provided with dignity kits and newborn kits respectively as outlined in the health and WASH sectors. This assistance will ensure that protection, gender and inclusion is followed according to IFRC commitments.