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PMER Support Lebanon

Land: Lebanon
Vooruitgang: Implementation
Budget: € 13000
Looptijd: 2020-07-14 - 2021-10-30


LRC PMER unit will be equipped with project monitoring solution built on Microsoft Dynamics. Planning section is looking for a software to organize and track all running project at LRC. This software will allow the department to track all projects and have more insights to meet projects’ deadlines and requirements requested by the partners. Lebanon


1. Improving project tracking and documentations
2. Enhancing productivity by saving time searching for information
3. Meeting project deadlines and reporting requirements


Lebanese Red Cross Society and Netherlands Red Cross Society

Type ramp: Civil unrest and other situations of violence Disaster prevention and preparedness Prevention / Mitigation
Donateur: The Netherlands Red Cross
Uitvoerende partners: Lebanese Red Cross

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