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PRCS health care support Syria 2015

Land: Syria
Vooruitgang: Closed
Budget: € 150000
Looptijd: 2015-09-30 - 2016-06-29


Contribution of NLRC to PRCS regarding the replacement of medical equipment lost as a result of the conflict in Syria and boosting its capacities, enabling the PRCS hospitals to function and assist people affected by the crisis in Syria. The PRCS has branches in four surrounding countries among which Syria. It operates three hospitals, Palestine, Jafa and Bisan, two of them in hotspots Yarmouk Camp and Homs Refugee Camp. The conflict has severely damaged PRCS infrastructure, and has meant an increase in needs. Many refugees have fled to Lebanon, but many remain in extremely difficult circumstances in Syria. 3 hospitals and 5 clinics in Syria


Financial arrangements for a one-off contribution to PRCS


3 hospitals and 5 clinics in Syria

Type ramp: Armed conflict Material relief assistance and services Response
Donateur: The Netherlands Red Cross
Uitvoerende partners: The Palestine Red Crescent Society

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