The Preparedness for Response and Early Action in Malawi project (PREAM) is a partnership between the Malawi Red Cross Society, the Danish Red Cross, the Belgian Red Cross and the Netherlands Red Cross and is funded by ECHO (EU humanitarian aid). The project enhances institutional Early Warning/Early Action capacities at national and district level, developing tools, systems and coordination mechanism as well as maximizing the use of available data. The Department of Disaster Management Affairs (DoDMA) is strengthened in it’s lead role on national and district level, and policy and legal frameworks adapted. At community level, the project contributes to better response preparedness. Communities are equipped with Early Warning/Early Action materials, local schools are prepared to serve as evacuation centers, community response teams are set up and communities are trained in First Aid. Multi hazard sensitive social protection systems and safety nets have been developed and (mobile) Emergency Operation Center is built to offer first response in case of emergency. Similar to many countries ,the people of Malawi are exposed to multi-hazards, ranging from floods, cyclones, droughts and epidemics resulting in loss of lives and livelihood assets and economic losses. Mountainous areas are prone to heavy rainfall, which results in flash floods in low-lying plains downstream such as the areas this project focusses on, Chitipa and Karonga district. Although there has been attention for response preparedness in these districts in the past, coordination and infrastructure from national, district towards village level was insufficient. Karonga and Chitipa district
This project will contribute to the Disaster Risk Managment Policy of Malawi and will enhance response capacities at national, district and village level. The project is in line with the commitments made at the World Humanitarian Summit (WHS) and will invest in anticipating crisis and localisation of aid contriubtion to the four priorities of the Sendai Framework.
Karonga and Chitipa District where Village Level Contingency Plans will be developed by community members themselves under guidance of the Village Civil Protection Committees (VCPC) and that will be aligned with the National Contingency Plan.