Unfortunately we cannot prevent typhoons or natural disasters, but we can minimize their impact. This project aims to promote community resilience in the face of natural hazard events. The Philippines is one of the most disaster prone countries in the world, exacerbating this situation is that global climate change, which has resulted in an increased number of days with heavy rainfall, causing the flood of the Agusan River Basin. This flooding is annual phenomenon, but it is increasingly becoming a threat as it causes severe landslide events which results in the loss and damage of the environment and communities. The targeted communities are in Agusan del Sure province, as it is located in the lower part of the Agusan river basin. The targeted Barangays are within the Mucipalities of: Esperanza, Talacogan, Maragusan and Monkayo.
The project enables communities, local authorities and institutions to build their reslience to disaters in a number of ways. We teach them about the early warning systems, restoration, climate change adaptation, and strengthen the local government units and their communities response capacities. There is also extra focus on advocacy towards more sustainable management of the river basin at different levels.
The project is focused on the most vulnerable sections of communities, such as small land owners, the landless, fisher-folk, daily wage labourers and so on. It also includes vulnerable social groups such as the elderly, women headed households, persons with disablity, minority groups and children. The implementing partner of this project is the Philippene Red Cross, working in cooperation and with financial support from The Netherlands Red Cross.