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Reducing the impact of acute watery diarrhoea and malnutrition in Somali region: gashamo, marcin and danot district

Vooruitgang: Closed
Budget: € 155101
Looptijd: 2017-06-30 - 2017-12-30


This emergency health project aims at reducing morbidity and mortality resulted from the current Acute Watery Diarrheal Disease (AWD) outbreak through community mobilization and awareness creation, community based nutrition education and response to malnutrition as well as improved sanitation and hygiene condition in established CTC/CTU as well as in the target communities. Severe drought is affecting the low lands of Eastern and South East part of Ethiopia as a result of the El Nino and La Lina that has occurred since May 2015. The effect of the drought is more severe and covers more areas in Somali Region of Ethiopia. The project will be implemented in Somali Region, Jarar Zone , Gashemo district (woreda)


Through community mobilization and awareness creation, community based nutrition education and response to malnutrition as well as improved sanitation and hygiene condition in established CTC/CTU as well as in the target communities.


Communities and established CTC/CTU in the selected regions, with a special focus on children under 5, pregnant and lactating mothers.

Type ramp: Drought Material relief assistance and services Response
Donateur: The Netherlands Red Cross, Fundraising actions of the NLRC
Uitvoerende partners: Ethiopian Red Cross Society

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