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Refugee crisis 2015: support to refugees in Slovenia

Land: Hungary
Vooruitgang: Closed
Budget: € 224661
Looptijd: 2015-05-07 - 2016-12-30


This project seeks to address the immediate nutrition and hygiene needs of 10,000 migrants at 12 registration/ accommodation centres, with a special focus on the hygienic needs of women and infants in addition to providing protection activities, including restoring family links services, and provision of psychosocial first aid. Migration routes in Europe are rapidly changing, particularly those in Central Europe, home to Slovenia. Slovenia has become another transit country for migrants seeking other Western and Northern European destinations, with late-2015 marking increasing numbers of migrants entering Slovenia through the border it shares with Croatia. Between 18 and 22 September 2015, the Ministry of Interior of Republic of Slovenia registered 3,300 migrants, and they predict that these numbers will only grow in the coming months. This project takes place at 12 registration/accommodation centres spread across the following locations: Dolga and Lendava, near the Hungarian border, Gornja Radgona, Lenart, Gruskovjc, Brezice, Rigonce, and Obrezje, near the Croatian border, Slovenj Gradec, Celje, Ljubljana, Vrhinka, Logatec, Postonja, and Maribor.


To accomplish the overall objective, the Slovenian Red Cross is aiming at building contingency relief item stocks in its warehouses to be able to support the needs of the expected arrivals of migrants. Red Cross staff and volunteers will focus on the improved access to sanitation with hygiene kits and hygiene promotion for men, women and children, taking into consideration the size of the family. Food is also distributed, and families are reunited through mobile communications units with Wi-Fi and cell-phone charging bays and distributions of posters and leaflets in reception areas.


This project seeks to address the immediate nutrition and hygiene needs of 10,000 individuals (6,000 adult males, 3,000 adult females, 1,000 children) at 12 registration/accommodation centres, with a special focus on the hygienic needs of women and infants.

Type ramp: Armed conflict Material relief assistance and services Response
Donateur: The Netherlands Red Cross
Uitvoerende partners: International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

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