Remote SIMS support to the Regional Coordination Food Crisis in Africa. The Emergency Appeal (EA) is launched by the IFRC for 3,877,335 Swiss francs to complement and support the current country-level emergency operations/Emergency Appeals (EAs) related to Food Crises, mainly those focusing on drought and food insecurity. This Regional Coordination Food Crisis in Africa EA provides a structural framework for the country-level EAs, enabling opportunities to support the country-level response activities by strengthening and scaling up operational support, coordination, communication, capacity building, security and safety for staff and volunteers in all affected countries in the region. The aim is to better assist the affected population by addressing challenges in response and early recovery and effectively utilizing resources through shared opportunities. For this reason, the Regional Coordination Food Crisis in Africa EA does not highlight specific implementation activities, but rather provides a strategy to coordinate implementation in the countrylevel EAs. Also remote SIMS support was given to the EA Nigeria – Population Movement and the EA Uganda – Population Movement. The African continent is facing an unprecedented food crisis. According to the Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS-NET), 70 million people across 45 countries will require food assistance in 2017. Famine was formally declared in parts of South Sudan by the UN in February 2017, and Nigeria and Somalia are facing a credible risk of famine this year. To prevent a situation similar to the one of 2011, where interventions and humanitarian support arrived too late and lacked longer-term vision, the IFRC is launching this appeal to scale-up actions in the most affected countries in support of the National Societies and to do more to increase the resilience of people to cope with the environmental, social and economic impacts. In total, seven of 12 countries under the Regional Coordination for Food Crisis in Africa framework (Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Somalia and Zimbabwe)
The main components of the response focuses on multisectoral needs through Health, WASH, Food Security and Livelihoods’ interventions. Anticipated appeals in the remaining countries will drive the total beneficiary population of this appeal considerably higher.
In total, seven of 12 countries under the Regional Coordination for Food Crisis in Africa framework (Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Somalia and Zimbabwe), including DREF-supported operations, seek to reach over 1,600,691 people through the consolidated support of 53,835,245 Swiss francs.