The objective of this project is to increase the resilience of Grand Gosier commune by protecting, improving and diversifying livelihoods, improving access to water and enhancing local Disaster Risk Reduction capacity. On January 12, 2010, a devastating earthquake hit Haiti, the poorest country in the Western hemisphere. The earthquake affected millions of civilians. This project aims to enhance resilience of food insecure communities in Sud-Est, Haiti The project aims at communities in the Grand Gosier area (South-East Haiti)
The Project aims at 3 main results: Sustained, increased and improved agricultural land, Increased diversification of agricultural production, Improved access to productive and domestic water
The project is a cooperation between the Netherlands Red Cross and the Fundación Alianza por los Derechos, la Igualdad Y la Solidaridad International (ALIANZA). The project is funded by the European Commission Humanitarian Directorate General for Aid and Civil Protection (DG ECHO)