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Senegal – Food Security Crisis

Vooruitgang: Closed
Budget: € 60000
Looptijd: 2017-08-10 - 2017-11-10


To provide food and preventive nutrition activities for 1,522 households (9,893 people) and enable the affected populations to survive and meet their immediate needs.
Senegal is prone to food crisis, being one of the world’s least developed countries, and the economy relies heavily on cash crops and fishing, both of which are vulnerable to climate change. Harvest deficits in 2014 and 2015, triggered by recurring droughts and floods, resulted in the early onset of the lean season leading to the food scarcity. Severely weakening food security in northern and central Senegal. This program takes place in Senegal.


This program assists with decreasing the effects of malnutrition and food insecurity by capacity building and strengthening, support of the health system, and data collection to better drive and target communities in need.


This project will reach 1,522 households (9,893 people).

Type ramp: Drought Emergency food aid Flood Response
Donateur: The Netherlands Red Cross, Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken (BuZa)
Uitvoerende partners: International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

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