The goal is to plan and implement demonstration of the concepts developed within S(P)EEDKITS. The project develops concepts for e.g. health care and sanitation solutions, infrastructural solutions, and shelter units. The S(P)EEDKIT concept offers rapid humanitarian solutions – rapid deployment of shelters, facilities and medical care resources following major disasters – for self-recovery of communities. Currently, several developments have resulted in early field testing and deployment. The Netherlands Red Cross (NLRC), Médecins sans Frontières (MSF) and the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC), all partners within S(P)EEDKITS, have on-going field operations. Selected solutions can be tested in these humanitarian operations, usually in situations where infrastructure is poor and skilled labour scarce. Globally: the conditions for actual field deployment can vary rapidly.
The focus will be on different levels of demonstration, focusing on key developments of S(P)EEDKITS at the different packaging levels (container, pallet, and bag), demonstration of rapid deployment, field testing of selected kits. The selected kits are shelter units, wash solutions (sanitation-, water -, and add-on kits), and infrastructural solutions. The aim is to demonstrate transportability and rapid deployment of the kits in an operational field context.
Partners in the S(p)eedkit project are: Médecins sans Frontières (MSF), The Netherlands Red Cross (NLRC), the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies Shelter Research Unit (IFRC-SRU) and the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC).