This revised Emergency Appeal seeks 3,308,035 Swiss francs (increased from 1,291,576 Swiss francs) to enable the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) support the Somali Red Crescent Society (SRCS) in assisting 150,000 people for 10 months. The expanded operation will focus on the following sectors: health; water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH); livelihood, nutrition, food security; shelter (including household non-food items). It also reflects a substantial increase in the target population, timeframe for implementation, number of activities, and an enlarged geographic scope. The current funding gap is 2,613,274 Swiss francs. The planned response reflects the current situation and information available at this time of the evolving operation, and will be adjusted based on further developments and more detailed assessments. These contributions will be earmarked on the reactivation of 6 mobile clinics and the stockings of the already operational mobile clinics. August 2015: Poor post Gu season1 exacerbates drought conditions leading to reduced pasture land, water shortages, and deaths of livestock, increasing the number of acutely food insecure people to emergency levels.
January 2016: Governments of Somaliland and Puntland declare the drought situation as an emergency.
February 2016: IFRC deploys Surge Capacity to support the SRCS on needs assessments.
25 March 2016: IFRC Emergency Appeal for 1,290,936 Swiss francs to assist 78,990 people is launched.
February 2017: FEWSNET2 report states that Famine (IPC Level 5-Catastrophe) 3 is expected if the 2017 Gu season sees minimal rain highlighting the critical connections between drought and food security and nutrition as well as water and sanitation and hygiene promotion.
Six regions of Somaliland (Woqoyi Galbeed, Toghdheer, Hargeisa, Sahil, Sool and Sanaag), and two regions of Puntland (Bari and Nugal).
The SRCS seeks to re-activate 6 mobile clinics as well as stocking up the operational mobile clinics in 6 regions to ensure adequate coverage of health services in the hard to reach areas affected by the drought. The National Society is operating a total of 12 static clinics and 6 mobiles in Somaliland and 20 static clinics and mobile clinics in Puntland through multilateral support from Partner National Societies (PNS) and in collaboration with the Ministry of Health, UNICEF, WHO and WFP.
The contribution of these donors will be earmarked on these mobile clinics.
Interventions will be aligned with the IFRC-minimum standard commitments to gender and diversity in emergency programming, for example the selection of beneficiaries was based on their level of vulnerability, including households that have lost their source of livelihoods (loss of crops and animals), the chronically ill, elderly, female-headed households, lactating mothers and under-five children (malnourished), pregnant women, and/or people with disabilities. The overall objective of the Emergency appeal is to assist 150,000 people to meet their basic humanitarian needs focusing on health, nutrition, livelihoods and access to safe water for the drought affected population. The object of this pledge is to reactivate 6 mobile clinics and stock up the other already existing mobile clinics. The goal is provide essential health services to over 64,000 people and to provide nutrition screening of 31,500 children under the age of five