The majority of displaced South Sudanese have sought refuge in Ethiopia’s Gambella Regional State through three border entry points. Hence, the Ethiopian Red Cross works with refugee populations and host communities in Gambella, focusing on reducing health risks for both refugees and host communities. Additionally, health, water, hygiene promotion, disaster preparedness, and capacity building for 47,100 South Sudanese refugees in the Jewii camp form a second pillar of operations. Violence in South Sudan between government and opposition forces has created a complex humanitarian crisis. Large numbers are fleeing Sudan to Ethiopia because of conflict as well as food insecurity, human rights abuses, and lack of basic services in their latest areas of residence. Many refugees have gone through several rounds of displacement before arriving in Ethiopia. As of October 2015, Ethiopia hosts approximately 289,071 South Sudanese refugees, containing the largest refugee population in Africa. Ninety one per cent of South Sudanese refugees in Ethiopia are women and children, 71% of the adult population are women and 85% of the registered refugees live in camps. This project takes place in the Gambella region, at the Ningnang and Pagak entry points, and at the Jewii camp.
The Ethiopian Red Cross assists refugee populations and host communities in Gambella through the provision of first aid and community-based health in the Leitchour camp, and at Ningnang and Pagak entry points. As of September 2015, activities in the Leitchour camp have ceased. Operations in the Jewii camp include hygiene promotion messaging to help prevent the spread of disease, along with building sanitation infrastructures, such as waste pits, and distributing soap. The capacity of the Ethiopian Red Cross is increased through the provision of ambulances and training ambulance attendants in first aid, which is also implemented in communities.
This project provides assistance to South Sudanese refugees.