On 8th September 2019, Sudan’s Federal Ministry of Health
(FMoH) confirmed four (4) cases of cholera in the Blue Nile State.
Further on 19th September, an additional 124 suspected cholera
cases were reported with seven (7) deaths: 6 in the Blue Nile and
1 in the Sennar States. The Ministry of Health (MoH) identified the
White Nile, Gedaref, Sennar, Kassala and Khartoum as States
that have the highest risks of cholera outbreak2. On 22nd
September the number of suspected cholera cases reached 1583
and continued to rise reaching on 25th September 187 cases,
including eight (8) deaths reported in the Blue Nile and Sennar
States. Sudan – Blue Nile.
Health and WASH
Number of people to be assisted: 144,000
representing 24,000 Household