The overall objective of this operation is to deliver assistance to 12,900 flood affected households in 5 states to meet their needs in health, water, sanitation, hygiene promotion, shelter and NFIs. June 2016: Rainy season prompted flash floods affecting over 96,960 people across thirteen states. SRCS participated in damage and needs assessment, conducted distributions of relief items to 1,600 affected households.
June-August 2016: Water levels in the Nile River have increased beyond the forecast, surpassing the water level recorded during the 1998 flooding. National Society continues its assistance to the increasing number of affected households across 13 states.
19 August 2016: 271,700 Swiss francs allocated from the DREF as a start-up loan to the Emergency Appeal.
End of August 2016: Water levels remain higher than safety levels in several states.
02 September 2016: IFRC issues Emergency Appeal for 3,258,282 Swiss francs. This project takes place in Kassala, Sennar, Geziera, West Kordofan and White Nile.
This project provides water, sanitation, and hygiene assistance, shelter, and non food items.
This project reaches 64,500 people.