The Syrian Arab Red Crescent works to respond to the needs of the most vulnerable people affected by the Syrian crisis, including food and non-food aid, health, livelihoods and food security, and building capacity to more effectively respond to the needs of those affected by conflict. Often, Red Cross staff and volunteers operate in risky and life-threatening conditions. Since 2011, the unrest in Syrian has grown, with violence spreading throughout the country. It is estimated that 12.2 million people within Syria need humanitarian assistance, with more than half the pre-crisis population being displaced internally and or as refugees in neighbouring countries. Often, Syrians are displaced multiple times. Four out of five Syrians are living in poverty, and two-thirds live in extreme poverty. Every aspect of life is affected, and there are overloads in basic health care services and decreased access to food and water. This project operates throughout the country, having current activities in the following governorates: Quneitra, Rural Damascus: Homs, Al-Hasakeh, Idleb, Hama, and Tartous.
The on-going crisis in Syria presents many challenges to those living in its borders, from food, to shelter, to health. 600,000 people have been reached with food distributions, and 175,000 people in 2015 (January-July) have received winterisation support, with 35,000 families receiving items to prepare them for the winter, such as blankets, mats, and mattresses. The Netherlands Red Cross contributes to efforts with food parcels, winterisation items, and hygiene kits. 106,000 people have accessed improved water. Those in need of medical care are supported by mobile health units and health points in clinics, the latter of which are critical for rural areas. During the first four months of 2015, the Syrian Arab Red Crescent facilities provided treatment and consultations to 187,000 people.
This project assists those affected by the on-going crisis in Syria.