This appeal supports the Tanzanian Red Cross Society (TRCS) to deliver assistance and support to a total of 20,000 people with a focus on the sectors of emergency health, water, sanitation, hygiene promotion, emergency shelter, and relief. Since april 2015 there is a significant increase of Burundian refugees entering Tanzania seeking protection and assistance from the pre-electoral clashes in Burundi. In may 2015 Nyarugusu refugee camp received 15,000 refugees, and more than 30,000 refugees reported at Kagunga border post located along the shore of Lake Tanganyika. Unverified reports indicate a figure of 88,000 all having crossed to Tanzania with numbers rising each day. A cholera outbreak in camps in Tanzania reinforces the urgency of the situation and the critical lack of sanitation. The 4 entry points with provisions are in Kagunga, Ilagala, Manyovu and Katanga. The 3 reception centres are in Nyarugusu camp.
This operation includes the following activities. Conduct continuous assessment to understand the immediate needs of the refugee population and response gaps, which will inform a revision of the activities planned if required. Procurement/distribution of non-food items including blankets (two per beneficiary), buckets (one per beneficiary), jerry cans, laundry soap, hygiene kits and menstrual hygiene management (MHM) kits. Mosquito nets to reduce the risk of malaria. Medical screening of new arrivals at 4 entry points in 10 medical tents. Construct 300 emergency communal latrines at 4 entry points. Procure and distribute bottled drinking water at 4 entry points. Procure and distribute water purification tablets. Procurement of one warehouse tent and 50 family tents. Sexual and gender-based violence and the protection of children will be integrated in the health interventions to promote access to health care for women. Provide 50 temporary shelter shades for the refugees arriving to shield them from harsh weather conditions as they wait for registration at the four entry points (30 shelters at Kabanga, 10 shelters at Ilagala, 6 shelters at Manyovu and 4 shelters at Katanga)
The proposed preliminary strategy will enable the TRCS to deliver assistance to a total of 20,000 people with emergency health, water, sanitation, hygiene, and emergency shelter (6,000 people will receive basic non-food items). Survival and basic needs of vulnerable groups (in particular pregnant, lactating women or single female-headed households with young children) are met at 4 entry points.