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Uganda – Marburg

Vooruitgang: Closed
Budget: € 26000
Looptijd: 2017-11-05 - 2018-02-05


Overall Operational objective: To stop the spread of Marburg in three districts of Uganda. The Ugandan Ministry of Health officially declared an outbreak of Marburg Viral Disease (MVD) in Kween and
Kampchorwa districts in the North Eastern part of the country on
19 October 2017 after laboratory diagnosis and confirmation of a
positive case of MVD by PCR at the Uganda Virus Research
Institute. As of 28 October 2017, a total of 6 cases; composed of
2 confirmed, 1 probable and 3 suspected cases; which had
epidemiological links to the confirmed case. A cumulative total of
3 deaths (2 confirmed and 1 probable) have so far been recorded.
There are currently 2 cases on admission at the MVD isolation
facility established at Kampchorwa Health Centre IV, in
Kaphorwa district. A total of 258 contacts (175 in Kween district
and 83 in Kapchorwa district) have so far been listed, 62 of whom
have already completed 21-days follow up, while the rest are still
under follow up. The outbreak has since spread affected three districts of Kween, Kapachorwa and, most recently Bukwo district where
contacts of the last confirmed case are yet to be traced.


Shelter and Health


52,971 direct
beneficiaries (26,394 males and 26,577 females)

Type ramp: Epidemic Material relief assistance and services Response
Donateur: The Netherlands Red Cross, Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken (BuZa)
Uitvoerende partners: International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

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