Project funded by M&F.
South Sudan Red Cross has procured a new land at Gureyi residential area approximately 6 Km from the current SSRC offices and it plans to put up a warehouse in this new land. The new area is safe, and the land could immediately be developed into a number of facilities without any fear of future insecurity.
This project is prepared and submitted to SSRC partners to solicit funding for the development of the new land into several facilities to address some of the pressing and emerging needs for both the SSRC headquarters and Juba branch.
The proposed activities in the overall project include:
· Construction of a standard warehouse, and two Rub Halls,
· Construction of office space and training centre Block construction,
· Septic Tank,
· Putting up a toilet block,
· Erecting a perimeter wall fence,
· Constructing guards’ room,
· Setting up a generator Room.
Successful implementation of these activities greatly depend on the contributions from the movement partners presently operating different projects in South Sudan. In this regard NLRC will specifically support;
– Setting of a Rub Hall
– Construction of an Office and Training Centre Block ( OTCB) Juba