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Water borne diseases in Sudan’s Nile State

Land: Sudan
Vooruitgang: Closed
Budget: € 32000
Looptijd: 2015-12-31 - 2016-03-30


Reduction in risk of waterborne and water related diseases for refugees in White Nile state. To improve quality of water, sanitation and hygiene in refugee camps in White Nile. Six refugee waiting points (Al Redais I, Al Redais II, Omsangoor, Alagaya, Kashafa and Gory) were targeted by this intervention.


The main activities entailed, construction of 20 Communal latrine Blocks, undertaking 6 Massive Hygiene Awareness Campaigns and supporting incentives for volunteers involved in emergency water distribution.


During implementation a total of 5,000 beneficiaries among refugees were reached (Latrine construction 3,000 people, hygiene campaigns and emergency water treatment benefitting 5,000 people).

Type ramp: Epidemic Material relief assistance and services Response
Donateur: The Netherlands Red Cross
Uitvoerende partners: The Sudanese Red Crescent Society

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