The objective of the project is to strenthen the Millenium Development Goal for sustainable water supply and sanitation in low income areas. Specifically contributing to poverty reduction in the peri-urban populations. Low income areas in Malawi have to struggle with the high incidences of diarrhoea cases resulting from low access to water, poor sanitation, hygiene practices, lack of waste management systems and high population density. In both Mzuzu and Karonga sanitation services are extremely poor, yielding many harmful concequences on health, socio-economic development and education. It causes high incidences of diarrhoeal cases and high absenteeism and drop outs at school (especially girls). Exacerbating the situation is the lack of even distribution of water, which forces many to acquire water from unprotected water sources. Northern region towns of Malawi, Mzuzu and Karonga. Actual places include: Katolora, Mewneyumba, Mwahimba (Karonga) and Chibanja, Chibavi (East/West). Mchengautuwa (East/West), Luwinga (Mzuzu).
The action integrates the elements of sustainable improved water supply, sanitation services and hygiene promotion. Sanitation coverage will be provided, water systems will installed, a sewage storage and treatment station will be established. We also develop designs of improved toilets and hand washing facilities, and support the private sector in production. Additionally a hygiene and health promotion campaign will be implemented to improve community knowledge, attitides and practices on safe water hygiene and sanitation.
The project is focused on the vulnerable population living in the low income area of Mzuzu and Karonga, this is an estimated 58,140 people.The emphasis will be put on women, children and people living with HIV/AIDS.The implementing partner of this project is The Malawi Red Cross Soceity partnering with The Netherlands Red Cross.